Monday, July 27, 2009

2009 July Meeting Minutes

We welcomed Jean Holewa who joined Hill Speakers on July 1st, 2009.

Congratulations! You’ve been elected a club officer.

Club Officer Role

Rob Kalin Patrick Miller

Vice President Education
Anh Tran Craig Kasl

Vice President Membership
Jack Chandler Jean Holewa

Vice President Public Relations
Tom Oleson Stu Hilderman

Raja Bheema Jim Huff

Janet Hall Jean Daavettila

Sergeant at Arms
Rhonda Lunemann Ron Peterson

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009 (TM Anh T., TT Jean H., SP Patrick M., Jack C., EV Janet H., Jim H., GE Rhonda L., GR Ron P., AH Raja B., TI Raja B. Conflict: Tom O., Rob K., Jean D., Craig K., Stu H.)

7/22 Best Speaker: Patrick M. "Faith & Belief"

7/22 Best Evaluator: Janet H.

7/22 Best Table Topics Answer: Jim H.

Speaker: Patrick M. "Faith & Belief".

Speaker: Jack C. "The Minnesota Energy Challenge".

7/22 Word of the Day: sedulous. \SEJ-uh-luhs\, adjective
1 . Diligent in application or pursuit; steady industrious.
2 . Characterized by or accomplished with care and perseverance.

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009 (TM Janet H., TT Anh T., SP Craig K., Rob K., EV Stu H., Ron P., GE Patrick M., GR Rhonda L., AH Raja B., TI Raja B. Conflict: Tom O.)

7/08 Best Speaker: Craig K. "If I Had to Live it Over Again"

7/08 Best Evaluator: Stu H.

7/08 Best Table Topics Answer: Jim H. (How to pack for a family reunion if you have 5 children.)

Speaker: Craig K. "If I Had to Live it Over Again".

Speaker: Rob K. "What’s the Point".

7/08 Word of the Day: carpe diem. carpe diem • \KAR-peh-DEE-em\• noun:
the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future
*Example Sentence:
In the spirit of carpe diem we jumped at the chance to travel to Paris, even though it was a stretch for our budget.

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